When first you arrive

When you first arrive

What to Bring

Your initial steps are carefully planned in our process of student induction, where you will receive all the information relevant to your studies and stay in the UK, through a set of support services and guidance.

On your first day

  • You will be welcomed by our staff with a friendly conversation and a short initial assessment, to determine your current knowledge of the language and assign you to the correct class. Upon completion, you will be officially registered, and you will be introduced to our school
  • You will receive a tour of the building and meet your teacher(s), the Academic Manager and Language School Managers; the Child Safeguarding Team, Welfare Officer, First Aiders and Fire Marshall
  • You will receive details on how your programme is structured and assessed
  • You will receive your personal student timetable
  • We will discuss our school’s regulations, both academic and safety-related
  • We will discuss fire, health and safety procedures and point to all the ways in which you can access
  • further information related to these rules (also provided in this handbook)
  • We will inform you who to contact in case of emergency and provide telephone numbers
  • An assessment will be made for providing learning support and basic skill needs
  • You will receive your student card* and lanyard**, as well as a letter of enrollment to our school**Please note, students under the age of 18 will be issued with a red lanyard. Students above the age of 18 wear blue lanyards and staff members wear grey lanyards


Initial assessment 

On your first day at school you will take a paper-based grammar and vocabulary test and a speaking and listening assessment.

Your teachers work closely with you in the first week to find out whether or not you have been placed at the right level.

We will take feedback from you to know how you feel in your class and if it is the right class for you.  Based on this we are able to put you in the class which is the correct level for you. 

Want to know more?

We would love to help you improve your English and support you to achieve your goals.

Please complete the form and we will be in touch to help and answer any questions you may have.